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Energize Your Day With This Morning Routine

November 4, 2023

Hello, loves!

Conscious Creator. Certified Life Coach. Success Story

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“Rise and Shine: Energize Your Day with a new Morning Routine!”

Hey there! Let’s kickstart your day with a blast of motivation and positivity. Morning routines are like the secret sauce to a successful day, and I’m here to share mine with you!

First things first, as soon as I open my eyes, I dive straight into a creative visualization exercise. Picture this: I’m the star of my own show, living out my wildest dreams in first-person. It’s like a blockbuster movie starring yours truly!

After that mental workout, it’s time to hydrate like a champ. I immediately drink 16 ounces of water, what one of my favorite authors/podcaster Shawn Stevenson calls an “internal bath.” Trust me, it’s like a refreshing splash of energy to start your engines!

Next up, I cozy up with my trusty journal. I dive into my Gratitude/Goal List, soaking up all the good vibes and setting my intentions for the day. And don’t forget those afformations – they’re like little boosts of positive energy, ready to fuel my journey!

Now, it’s time to hit the pavement. I lace up my sneakers and embark on a 10k-step walk. I’ve got my ears tuned into either a mind-expanding podcast or a pump-up motivational track, it’s all about aligning myself with high vibrations.

And just like that, I’m ready to conquer the world! Remember, your morning routine is like a customizable power-up for your life. So go ahead, mix and match, and find what works for you!

Here’s to waking up with a grin and starting your day with a bang! You’ve got this!

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Certified Life Coach, Conscious Creator, Success Story. It's my life's purpose to help as many women level up to their ideal selves as possible. You can and will become your dream self, it all starts with you. 

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