You are looking for a mindset shift. You can reach all of your goals and become your best self with a simple change in Self Concept. With this coaching program you will pinpoint your Self esteem, Self-image and who your Ideal Self is so you can embody her. Most of my clients use a coaching program loosely based on the affirmation that changed my own Self Concept and life.

"I'm a Gorgeous Healthy Wealthy Wife" 

Feeling like you don't look like your best self? Maybe your makeup isn't the best, confused about what to do with your hair, just basically insecure about your physical beauty? Well beauty starts within, confidence starts within. When you become confident and shake the self-doubt your self-esteem will flourish.

This is a great fit for you if you are looking for a physical change along with your mindset shift.

Sad? Tired? Overweight? Is your body fighting you in some way? It's time to take control of your wellness. With the right mindset you can live in the most harmonious way with a fit, wholesome lifestyle.

This is a great fit for you if you are also on a wellness journey.

Whether you're doing ok, flat broke or just getting by. There's always money to be made in this abundant universe. Let's flesh out your money story and break the subconscious programming that's holding you back from living your most prosperous life.  

This is a great fit for you if you are looking to manifest more wealth and live a more luxurious lifestyle. 

Tired of dating? Do you think the dating pool is filled with pee and a sprinkle of poop? Become the woman that attracts the best people in the dating market...and get those people to commit to you. Whether you want to be married or just be in a loving committed relationship, it's your decision, not theirs. You'll pick, choose, and refuse and always end up with the best suitor for you.

Do you know exactly who your ideal self is? What she looks like, dresses like, even what she smells like, but there's still a gap between you and her? Its time to embody the ideal you. The real you. It's time to make a commitment to yourself. 

Self Concept Coaching

Humanist psychologist Carl Rogers believed that self-concept is made up of three different parts:

Ideal self: The ideal self is the person you want to be. This person has the attributes or qualities you are either working toward or want to possess. It's who you envision yourself to be if you were exactly as you wanted.

Self-image: Self-image refers to how you see yourself at this moment in time. Attributes like physical characteristics, personality traits, and social roles all play a role in your self-image.

Self-esteem: How much you like, accept, and value yourself all contribute to your self-concept. Self-esteem can be affected by a number of factors—including how others see you, how you think you compare to others, and your role in society

that's where I come in!

Change your self concept, change your life

Women tired of mediocrity

Women ready to commit to working on themselves

Women ready for a full life transformation

Who is my coaching program for?

“I had been feeling so burnt out with my content and literally one session with Athena changed everything.

I'm baby organic authentic skateboard microdosing waistcoat, vinyl sartorial. Bodega boys street art four dollar toast.


How    Works


Go to my booking page, choose a date/time, and pay for either a one time session or a multi session package. 1-1 coaching is done via phone call.

Welcome Packet

Read the client onboarding welcome packet and sign the coaching disclosure form acknowledging that I am not a therapist nor counselor.

Bring an agenda

Protect your investment and come prepared. 30 minutes can fly by so have an idea of what you want to takeaway from our session 


Plan to put in work. You will be expected to deepen the work done in our session with "homework". We'll discuss specifics at the end of each session. Set aside an extra 10-15 minutes for this.

Be the woman      
decided to  

go for it


We all deserve more abundance, more happiness, more love, and more life

If you have any doubt that you are the most powerful person in your universe I'm here to remind you that you absolutely are. The woman of your dreams exists inside you right now. If you still need a little friendly nudge 

follow along @Hauteshellbi